Apples for apples

by Jessica

Yes. Gah! Those little pies are exquisite, though the amount of labor involved in those thin slices would deter me. Having company would make it much easier, and having Eisha’s company would make it downright pleasurable.


The apples came in early at our favorite orchard at the Tahoe foothills: small and bright Galas and sun-baked Golden Delicious.

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The owners, a delightful retired couple whose only goals seem to be growing fruit, tanning, and giving joy, let us pick the last of their syrah grapes for free! I have no idea what to do with these; they’ve got little crunchy seeds so snacking is cumbersome.

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I think apple rosettes are a bit beyond me (or my patience, can’t tell), but the bushel we picked will be baked-good bound. A sign of things to come–

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